Macro Examples

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The following example macros show the syntax of Boxer's macro language, while also suggesting useful methods of attack for common programming tasks:


Move cursor to bottom of paragraph


// move the cursor to the bottom line of the current paragraph


macro BottomOfParagraph()


while (LineNumber < LineCount && !LineIsEmpty(LineNumber+1))




Move cursor to top of previous paragraph


// move the cursor to the top line of the previous paragraph


macro TopOfPreviousParagraph()




while (LineNumber > 1 && !LineIsEmpty(LineNumber-1))






Move cursor to top of current paragraph


// move the cursor to the top line of the current paragraph


macro TopOfCurrentParagraph()


while (LineNumber > 1 && !LineIsEmpty(LineNumber-1))




Move cursor to top of next paragraph


// move the cursor to the first line of the next paragraph


macro TopOfNextParagraph()


while (LineNumber < LineCount && !LineIsEmpty(LineNumber))







Add a newline after every closing angle bracket


// add a newline after each closing angle (>) character

// unless the angle already appears at end of line


macro AddNewlineAfterCloseAngle()


int line, i, j;

string str;


// loop on all lines in the file

for (line = 1; line <= LineCount(); line++)


   // get the text of line 'line' into string 'str'

   GetLineText(line, str);


   // get the index of the closing angle

   j = strchr(str, '>');


   // if the character was found and was not at end-of-line...

   if (j != -1 && str[j+1] != '\0')





      // advance the cursor to the character     

       while (ValueAtCursor() != '>')



       // and past the character



       // insert a newline



       // process this line again in case other tags exist






Apply HTML markup to a simple text file


// apply HTML markup to a simple text file

// also converts double quote, ampersand, and

// angle brackets to HTML equivalents


macro ApplyHTMLMarkup()


int prevlen, len, i;

string str;

int numchanges;


// loop on all lines in the file

for (i = 1; i <= LineCount; i++)


   // get the text of line 'i' into 'str'

   GetLineText(i, str);


   // reset the change counter

   numchanges = 0;


    // convert sensitive characters to HTML codes

   numchanges += ChangeString(str, "&",  "&amp;");

   numchanges += ChangeString(str, "<",  "&lt;");

   numchanges += ChangeString(str, ">",  "&gt;");

   numchanges += ChangeString(str, "\"", "&quot;");


    // if changes were made, replace the line's text

   if (numchanges > 0)

        PutLineText(i, str);



// move to top of file




// loop on all lines in the file, starting on line 2

for (i = 2; i <= LineCount; i++)


    // get the length of the previous line

    prevlen = LineLength(i-1);


    // get the length of this line

    len = LineLength(i);


    // if this line is empty, and the previous line isn't...

    // apply <br> markers to the end of the line

    if (len == 0 && prevlen != 0)









    Down;           // move down to the next line

















// place cursor between title and /title






Display an ASCII chart in a new file


// ASCII chart example


macro ASCIIchart(void)


char i;


// open a new file



// loop from space to 255 to show all chars

for (i = ' '; i <= 255; i++)

   printf("The ASCII value of '%c' is %d\n", i, i);



Convert comma-separated-value (CSV) data


// convert comma-separated-value (CSV) data on the current

// line so that each field is placed on its own line


macro ConvertCSV()


string str;

int numquotes, numcommas;


// get the count of quotes/commas on this line

numquotes = LineContains(linenumber, "\"");


numcommas = LineContains(linenumber, ",");


// if this appears to be CSV data...

if (numcommas+1 == numquotes / 2)


   // get the text of the current line

   GetLineText(linenumber, str);


   // remove any empty data fields

   ChangeString(str, "\"\",", "");


   // convert "," to a newline

   ChangeString(str, "\",\"", "\n");  


   // remove the first and last quotes

   ChangeString(str, "\"", "");


   // select the line     




    // replace the selection




// position for next line






Cut lines containing a user-defined string


// cut lines containing a user-defined string to the Windows clipboard


macro CutLinesContaining();


int line;

int len;

string str;

int numcut = 0;


// get the string from the user

len = GetString("Cut lines containing this string:", str);


if (len == 0)



// make the Windows clipboard the active clipboard



// clear the Windows clipboard



// move cursor to start of file



// loop on all lines in the file

for (line = 1; line <= LineCount(); line++)


   // does this line contain the string?

   if (LineContains(line, str))




        numcut++;           // tally the cut

        line--;             // stay here for next line




// report the results

if (numcut == 1)

   message("Results", "1 line was cut to the Windows clipboard");


   message("Results", numcut,

                " lines were cut to the Windows clipboard");




Delete blank lines


// delete blank lines in the current file


macro DeleteBlankLines(void)


int i, len;


// start at the top of the file



// loop on all lines in the file

for (i = 1; i <= LineCount; i++)


   // get the length of this line

   len = LineLength(i);


   // is this line empty?

   if (len == 0)


        DeleteLine;     // delete this line

        i--;            // stay at this line #




        Down;           // move down to the next line






Delete lines containing a user-defined string


// deletes lines containing a user-defined string


macro DeleteLinesContaining()


int line;

int len;

string str;

int deleted = 0;


// get the string from the user

len = GetString("Delete lines containing this string:", str);


if (len == 0)



// loop on all lines in the file

for (line = 1; line <= LineCount(); line++)


   // does this line contain the string?

   if (LineContains(line, str))


        DeleteLine(line);   // delete it

        deleted++;          // tally the deletion

        line--;             // stay here for next line




// report the results

if (deleted == 1)

   message("Results", "1 line was deleted");


   message("Results", deleted, " lines were deleted");




Delete lines NOT containing a user-defined string


// deletes lines NOT containing a user-defined string


macro DeleteLinesNotContaining()


int line;

int len;

string str;

int deleted = 0;


// get the string from the user

len = GetString("Delete lines that do NOT contain this string:", str);


if (len == 0)



// loop on all lines in the file

for (line = 1; line <= LineCount(); line++)


   // does this line contain the string?

   if (!LineContains(line, str))


        DeleteLine(line);   // delete it

        deleted++;          // tally the deletion

        line--;             // stay here for next line




// report the results

if (deleted == 1)

   message("Results", "1 line was deleted");


   message("Results", deleted, " lines were deleted");




Compute return on a deposited amount


// Compute result of amount left on deposit with continuous

// compounding.  Uses the formula: P = pe^rt


macro ComputeDeposit()


float amt, newamt, rate, years;

string str;


GetFloat("Enter the amount on deposit:", amt);


GetFloat("Enter the interest rate:", rate);


// if user entered 5, make it .05, for example

if (rate > 1.0)

   rate /= 100.0;


GetFloat("Enter the number of years on deposit:", years);


newamt = amt * pow(e, rate * years);


sprintf(str, "The amount with interest applied is: %.2f", newamt);

Message("Result", str);




Add blank lines after lines ending with !.?


// add a blank line after any line that ends with !.?


macro AddBlankLines(void)


char ch;

int i;


// loop on all lines in the file

for (i = 1; i <= LineCount; i++)


   // make sure this line is not empty

   if (LineLength(i) > 1)


       // move the cursor to this line



        // move to the end of the line



        // backup off newline and onto last char



        // get the value of char at the cursor

        ch = ValueAtCursor();


        // if it's a line ender, add Enter

        if (ch == '.' || ch == '?' || ch == '!')










Double space and reformat


// double space and reformat the text on the clipboard

// prepares a web document for printing


macro DoubleSpaceAndReformat(void)


int i;

int numlines;


// save various editor settings



// open a new file and paste from clipboard




// set Text Width to 96



// delete all blank lines



// record the number of lines BEFORE we start adding lines

numlines = LineCount - 1;


// go to the top



// double space the file

for (i = 1; i <= numlines; i++)






// reformat the whole file




// remove any small indents that might be present


for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++)



// release the selection



// restore various editor settings




Extract email addresses


// extract email addresses from all lines within the current file

// and append them to the end of the file


macro ExtractEmailAddresses()


int i, line, origlinecount;

int inword, isdelim;

int atsigns, dots;

int startword, endword;

string linetext, email;

char c;


// note the linecount before we start adding more lines

origlinecount = LineCount;


// loop on all lines in the file

for (line = 1; line <= origlinecount; line++)


   // get the text of the whole line into the string 'linetext'

   GetLineText(line, linetext);


   // add a space to make end-of-line handling smoother

   strcat(linetext, " ");


    // loop on all characters in 'linetext'

   for (inword = FALSE, i = 0; linetext[i] != 0; i++)


        c = linetext[i];


        // set a flag if this character is one that delimits words

        if (isalnum(c) || (strchr("_@.-", c) != -1))

            isdelim = FALSE;


            isdelim = TRUE;


        // decide whether this character starts a new word,

        // or ends an existing word

        if (inword && isdelim)


            inword = FALSE;

            endword = i-1;


            // we've just left a word: see if it had both

            // the required characters

            if (atsigns == 1 && dots >= 1)


                // get the linetext address into a string

                SubString(email, linetext, startword, endword-startword+1);


                // add it to the end of the file







        else if (!inword && !isdelim)


            inword = TRUE;

            startword = i;

            atsigns = 0;

            dots = 0;



        // tally whether or not we see the required chars while we're in a

        if (inword)


            if (linetext[i] == '@')



            if (linetext[i] == '.')








Hex to Decimal


// shows hex to decimal conversion technique


macro HexToDecimal()


string str;

int x = 0;

int i, val;

char ch;


GetString("Enter a hexadecimal string", str);


for (i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++)


   ch = str[i];


   if (!isxdigit(ch))


       message("Error", "Invalid character encountered: ", ch);




   ch = toupper(ch);


   if (isalpha(ch))

       val = ch - 'A' + 10;


       val = ch - '0';


   x = x * 16;

   x = x + val;



message("Result", "The decimal value is ", x);



Obfuscate the selected text with HTML codes


// convert the word selected into its HTML coded format


// this can be used to convert phone numbers and email addresses

// in web pages to frustrate automated crawlers from harvesting

// your information for spam lists


macro Obfuscate()


int i;

string str;

string result;

string tmp;


if (!TextIsSelected)



        "Please select a word before\nrunning the macro.\n");






// loop on all characters in 'str'

for (i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++)


    sprintf(tmp, "&#%03d;", str[i]);

   strcat(result, tmp);






Display 24-hour time


// display the current time in 24-hour time format


macro Print24HourTime()


int h, m, s;


GetTime24(h, m, s);

printf("%d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s);



Reduce blank lines


// reduce multiple blank lines to one blank line


macro ReduceBlankLines(void)


int thislen, prevlen, i;


// position cursor to line 2




// loop on all lines in the file (starting with line 2)

for (i = 2; i <= LineCount; i++)


    // get the length of the previous line

    prevlen = LineLength(i-1);


   // get the length of this line

   thislen = LineLength(i);


   // are both previous and this line empty?

   if (prevlen == 0 && thislen == 0)


        DeleteLine;     // delete this line

        i--;            // stay at this line #




        Down;           // move down to the next line





Reformat to alternate text width


// Reformat the current paragraph to 70 characters, regardless

// of what the current Text Width setting is


macro ReformatAlternate()








Extract double quoted strings


// extract double quoted strings from the current file

// and append them at the bottom of the file


macro ExtractStrings()


string s, s1, s2, s3;

int i, j, k;

int found = 0;

int original_linecount = LineCount();


// loop on all lines in the current file

for (i = 1; i <= original_linecount; i++)


   // does this line have two or more double quotes?

   while (LineContains(i, "\"") >= 2)


       // tally number of strings found



       // get the text of line 'i' into string 's'

      GetLineText(i, s);


       // get the offset of the first double quote    

       j = strchr(s, '\"');


       // get the index of the second double quote

       for (k = j + 1; s[k] != '\"'; k++)



       // get the first portion into 's1'

       SubString(s1, s, 0, j);


       // get the second portion (the string) into 's2'

      SubString(s2, s, j, k-j+1);


       // get the third portion into 's3'

      SubString(s3, s, k+1, 2048);


       // build the new line and replace it

       s = s1;

       s += s3;

      PutLineText(i, s);


       // gather the strings at the bottom of the current file



      printf("\n%s", s2);




// report the results

if (found == 1)

   printf("\n\n%d string was found and removed\n", found);


   printf("\n\n%d strings were found and removed\n", found);



Reverse the text of each line


// reverse the text on every line in the file

// "abcdefg" becomes "gfedcba"


macro ReverseLineText()


int i, len, line;

string str;

char tmp;


// loop on all lines in the file

for (line = 1; line <= LineCount; line++)


   len = linelength(line);


   // ignore lines too short/long

   if (len >= 2 && len < 2000)


       // get the text of line 'line' into string 'str'

      GetLineText(line, str);


       // loop through half this line 

      for (i = 0; i < len/2; i++)


           // swap the characters...

           tmp = str[i];

           str[i] = str[len-1-i];

           str[len-1-i] = tmp;



       // replace line with reversed line

        PutLineText(line, str);





Reverse names: Smith.Bob to Bob.Smith


// changes a list of "Smith.Bob" entries to "Bob.Smith"


macro ReverseNames()


int line, i;

string str;

string first, last;

string newstring;


// loop on all lines in the file

for (line = 1; line <= LineCount; line++)


   // get the text of line 'line' into string 'str'

   GetLineText(line, str);


   // look for a '.' within 'str'

   i = strstr(str, ".");


   if (i != -1)


        // 'last' gets 'i' chars from 'str' starting at index 0

        SubString(last,  str, 0,   i);


        // 'first' gets up to 100 chars from 'str' starting at index i+1

        SubString(first, str, i+1, 100);


        // build a new string from 'first' and 'last'

        sprintf(newstring, "%s.%s", first, last);


        // replace the text of the line

        PutLineText(line, newstring);





Truncate lines after a user-defined string


// truncate lines after a user-defined string


macro TruncateLineAfterString()


int j, line, len;

int truncated = 0;

string str, linestr, newstr;


// get the string from the user

len = GetString("Truncate lines after this string:", str);


// if the string is empty, quit

if (len == 0)



// loop on all lines in the file

for (line = 1; line <= LineCount; line++)


   GetLineText(line, linestr);


   // does this line contain the string?

   if ((j = strstr(linestr, str)) != -1)


        // create a new string without the trailing text

        SubString(newstr, linestr, 0, j+len);


        // replace this line with the new text

        PutLineText(line, newstr);


        // tally the truncation





// report the results

if (truncated == 1)

   message("Results", "1 line was truncated");


   message("Results", truncated, " lines were truncated");



Truncate lines at a user-defined string


// truncate lines at a user-defined string


macro TruncateLineAtString()


int j, line, len;

int truncated = 0;

string str, linestr, newstr;


// get the string from the user

len = GetString("Truncate lines at this string:", str);


// if the string is empty, quit

if (len == 0)



// loop on all lines in the file

for (line = 1; line <= LineCount; line++)


   GetLineText(line, linestr);


   // does this line contain the string?

   if ((j = strstr(linestr, str)) != -1)


        // create a new string without the trailing text

       SubString(newstr, linestr, 0, j);


        // replace this line with the new text

       PutLineText(line, newstr);


        // tally the truncation





// report the results

if (truncated == 1)

   message("Results", "1 line was truncated");


   message("Results", truncated, " lines were truncated");




Delete lines that begin with a user-defined string


// deletes lines that begin with a user-defined string


macro DeleteLinesThatBeginWith()


int line, len;

string str, linestr;

int deleted = 0;


// get the string from the user

len = GetString("Delete lines that begin with:", str);


if (len == 0)



// loop on all lines in the file

for (line = 1; line <= LineCount(); line++)


       // get the text of line 'line' into 'linestr'

       GetLineText(line, linestr);

           // does this line start with 'str'?

       if (strncmp(linestr, str, len) == 0)


               DeleteLine(line);   // delete it

               deleted++;          // tally the deletion

               line--;             // stay here for next line




// report the results

if (deleted == 1)

   message("Results", "1 line was deleted");


   message("Results", deleted, " lines were deleted");



Delete lines that end with a user-defined string


// deletes lines that end with a user-defined string


macro DeleteLinesThatEndWith()


int line, len, linelen;

string str, linestr, str2;

int deleted = 0;


// get the string from the user

len = GetString("Delete lines that end with:", str);


if (len == 0)



// loop on all lines in the file

for (line = 1; line <= LineCount(); line++)


   // get the text of line 'line' into 'linestr'

   linelen = GetLineText(line, linestr);


   // if the line is too short, do nothing

   if (linelen < len)




   // does this line end with 'str' ?



       // isolate the tail of the line into a string

       SubString(str2, linestr, linelen - len, len);


       if (strcmp(str2, str) == 0)


           DeleteLine(line);   // delete it

           deleted++;          // tally the deletion

           line--;             // stay here for next line





// report the results

if (deleted == 1)

   message("Results", "1 line was deleted");


   message("Results", deleted, " lines were deleted");



Call MapQuest to show a map


// get an address from the user and call it up on MapQuest


macro CallMapQuest()


string city, state, address, country, url;

int zoom = 7;


// get information from the user

GetString("Enter street address:", address);

GetString("Enter city/town:",       city);

GetString("Enter state/province:", state);

GetString("Enter country:",         country);


// state level maps are better at zoom level 3

if (city == "")

   zoom = 3;


// country level maps are better at zoom level 1

if (state == "")

   zoom = 1;


// convert embedded spaces to plus signs

ChangeString(address, " ", "+");

ChangeString(city," ", "+");

ChangeString(state,   " ", "+");

ChangeString(country, " ", "+");


// build the URL that will be used                         


""    , city, state, address, country, zoom);


// send the URL to Windows so the default browser is run




Convert British English punctuation to American English punctuation


// Convert British English punctuation to American English punctuation

// (in Britain, periods and commas are placed outside double quotes)


macro BritishPunctuation()


// notice that the double quote character must be escaped with a

// backslash when it appears within a string


// change ".  to  ."

ReplaceAll("\".",  ".\"");


// change ",  to  ,"

ReplaceAll("\"\,", ",\"");
